Monday, February 23, 2009


I've developed one singular, and as far as I have experienced or argued for, unfalsible philosophy. The philosophy to not believe in any absolutes, or philosophically at least. You may be thinking that this is an absolute in itself, but honestly, I'm taking a nihilistic approach to believing this in a sense. I'm not saying that this philosophy is correct, I'm just saying that it is the most effective philosophy that rids me of many other conceptual boundaries that would have halted my growth personally if I had believed in them (i.e, religion). 

The negative effect of this philosophy is the fact that I can't regard any events with any well established moral compass, but now that I think about it... I just changed my mind. I actually do think this is a good thing. I will refer to the question "would you kill one person to save a 1000?" to support my point. To most people, killing is morally wrong, and the thousand would die indirectly so it is not the cause of a direct action, thus making it more moral to allow the one to live. If I had an established moral compass, the only reason I wouldn't choose to kill the individual is because I would assume/be convinced in all sincerity that "killing is wrong". By adhering to this absolute belief, what happens is 1000 others die indirectly, not by your hand but by the judgment taken from an absolute belief. Wasting the potential of 1000 individuals would be astounding and selfish on the morally righteous person; adhering to your own beliefs that will lead to the demise of the 1000. 

If I stuck to a mode of philosophical or moral belief, the margin of error is unbelievably high- and although I am probably not going to do any better in my life by not adhering to a particular belief, I know I am not blindly basing all (or many) of my decisions off potentially (by potential I mean 50%) false beliefs. 

Of course, I am a hypocrite. It would be impossible for me to adhere to the belief fully. If I was placed in a room given a knife or gun with someone telling me to "kill this man, or else 1000 others would die", I doubt I would be able to kill the man. But I am willing to acknowledge that I was wrong by not doing so. 

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