Sunday, April 5, 2009


I don't want to become more snappy. But I feel like I am becoming so. I've been patient in my relationships with people and now I've grown tired. Felt like I've been fucked with. And I'm sick of it, you'd think smart people would get it; some do, some disregard it and vent out themselves. When I feel obligated to speak out, they may be so used to me giving useless, alleviating advice that my words of opposition offend them. Fuck you though, who do you think you are. Just cause I haven't snapped at you or blatantly expressed anger (because that is not what I've felt at the time) doesn't mean it won't come. People say don't criticize others if you can't criticize yourself, but that's all I've been doing. Getting on my case about what I've done wrong, and it's what you (plural) have emphasizing. I'm done owning myself, it's the only thing I've been doing. This is what I see:

You: who the fuck do you think you are. I know you are unbelievably smart and talented, and like everyone else there are flaws about you, but yours are enormous. I'm sick of the righteousness, and I'm sick of the inferiority you assume onto me. You act spoiled in the sense that you explode once things don't go your way and act as if there's some huge tumult of emotion that coincides with your obstacles. 

You: who the fuck do you think you are. Regardless of whether you're smart or dumb, you're not humbled by any stretch of the imagination no matter how much you try to pretend and suppress that idea (that you are a genius). It's all pretend, and I've seen you swim in the pool of your "creative mastermind". Bitching artistically is perfectly acceptable in all mediums, but when you exaggerate with the form you've just become a little bitch. If you stopped taking yourself so fucking seriously you might be able to learn a little about yourself and stop applying very definite definitions on your character and life. 

You: who the fuck do you think you are. You're the pseudo-mature fool I've grown to hate. First, you'll mold what you talk about/act like (like every other insecure bitch) to feign interest in a person you're trapping (in this certain case, the idiot was me). Then you bait them and use them as a means for attention when necessary. Fucking with people is unrespectable cause it makes you a leech. A leech for attention, while providing false hope for others. 

You: who the fuck do you think you are. All you do is indulge. Indulge in fucking drugs and hanging out and clothes and stupid pictures online. You don't provide anything for anyone. It doesn't even matter if this "you" is a singular person anymore because "you" encompass so many others- so unoriginal. You're like some sort of fairy that just dances around guys acting like an idiot, and they want you for it. But you won't give, and why? It doesn't matter, you make them look bad, you exposure their desires, and you play them for it. It's not entertaining to watch. 

You: who the fuck do you think you are. You'll tell your side of the story, pretend to tell the other side of the story, and provide antics and appeal so everyone will side on your side. You'll tell them that you trust them and you don't tell others about whatever you're talking a bout, when it's obvious you do tell everyone. My friend knows so, you talk to us both and say the same things. You're not always right and we're not always going to be on your side. Your problems aren't always very real. Don't talk to me about them and leave. That's what a blog is for, fucker. 

I used to never feel like I could say fuck you to people due to the fact that I didn't know whether or not their problems/flaws were legitimate. But now I realize that many times they use it to their advantage to get away with things and have no intention to improve and hurt others because of it. And that's fucked, and I don't sympathize or empathize with it.

1 comment:

Sticky said...

dude, I truly believe you should call these people out to their faces. Perhaps it won't change anything but its a shock to anyone to realize that one of their friends gets so pissed off at the things they do. And theres a chance that'll get them to stop and think about it. I don't know. If anything it'll let you get it out of your system.