Friday, January 8, 2010

" i am to young to grow old and i really really truly hope i die first. I don't want to lose this. this passion. i want to be crazy forever I WANT to be crazy forever but i fear i may just be crazy"

Really man, I don't know how you adhere to such beliefs as these.

1. First comes nihilism, adhering to the belief that there is no meaning. If you live for truth, how can you possibly disregard the possibility. Believing in nothing with such certainty is the same as believing in god with the same amount of certainty.

2. Secondly comes this, the belief that the craziness and passion is all existence has to brings. This could easily be the same logic people use to kill themselves. Although the belief of passion and craziness as positive thing is totally legitimate, by saying you're afraid your going to 'lose it' and hope that you die first could be analogous to a suicidal person saying that pain is all existence has to bring. If we look down on age, it's no difference than old people looking down on us. Maybe they've been through this and can remember the idiocy after years and years of actual experience. Not all old people are like the typical parents as you can imagine. Them looking down on us may be as easily justified as you looking down on them. So what's truth? I don't think you can assume that this rage and insanity is truth and I know that you're addressing the uncertainty in your post, but i'm just saying.

3. Fuck girls and stuff.


Sticky said...

first off I didn't even adress nihilism in that post, but no, i don't believe in it with as much certainty as a religious person. I think it is correct, but its not a strong and fast thought. if something were to sway that beliefe I would alow it to. Really its not a belief and more of a thought. I don't THINK there is a god or a concreat meaning for life. Everything we make of it I think comes from us. And I had thought this for a long time before I admited it to myself.

Craziness and passion obviosly aren't all existence has to bring oviously. To say that would be ingnoring, well, the bulk of everything in life. Nonetheless for a wile it was a major goal of mine, and still is. Up there with, you know, truth and love and friendship and good music. Its also, of those goals, the one I am farthist from ataining. The post was all about questioning weather that is actualy right, weather its a goal I should be shooting for. Anyway, your link to suicide is pretty faulty. You said a suicidal person believes there is only pain in life and thus wants to die, wile believing that life is for passion would make know, want to live.

age and being old are not the same thing, you can grow up without growing old. When I worked at the resterant in brooklyn there were two servers who one day were shocked to find that they were both the same age, 25. It was weird because one was a friend of mine, a cool guy from seattle, and the other was definatly old. And, your right old people may have some insite but I'm not commenting on their knowledge really, I don't like how they live there life. Its not for me. I don't want to fall into that whole which traps a lot of unsuspecting people.

I do want to die before I get old, dude, and I realize that that is fucked up.

Leemans said...

1. I know you didn't address nihilism, I was just addressing another belief held to you that I am surprised you held in the first place, but I understand what you mean after you explained it.

2. My usage of the connection between a suicidal person is no less paradoxical to religion and nihilism. I'm making the same comparison here-- that it's a strongly held belief, and using the paradox to emphasize the point-- it's not the actual subject matter i'm referencing but the fact that both can be potential truths, and the strongly held belief of living out a life to either of these seems lopsided. I'm trying to say that I can't see how you can respect truth and live according to the belief of one of these extremes. ALSO I did say that I understood that you were questioning yourself throughout the post, but still "JUST SAYING".

3. you sound like you're afraid of getting old, and I don't really understand that, considering how slow times moves and stuff... but If you get there and it sucks then you can just kill yourself and will have missed nothing.